Projects and Agreements

A detailed description of the research activities of each research team of the Department is available at the site Research Database of the Università Politecnica della Marche.

European Networks for research/innovation

    The Virtual Institute for Artificial Electromagnetic Materials and Metamaterials, “METAMORPHOSE VI AISBL”, is a non-for-profit International Association, whose purposes are the research, the study and the promotion of artificial electromagnetic materials and metamaterials. The Association has been established in 2007 by the partners of the FP-6 Network of Excellence  METAMaterials ORganized for radio, millimetre wave, and PHOtonic Superlattice Engineering, METAMORPHOSE NoE,  funded by the European Commission in 2004-2008. The METAMORPHOSE VI is an active network integrating, managing, and coordinating several research and spreading acitivites in the field of Artificial Electromagnetic Materials and Metamaterials. Among the other activities, the Association owns and organizes the Metamaterials Congress Series and the Doctoral Programmes on Metamaterials. The Università Politecnica delle Marche (UnivPM) is a member since 2014.
    Luca Pierantoni is the UnivPM representative and member of the Steering Committee
    FORESEEN is a Network of University and High-Tech Industry which has the scope of exploring Frontiers between Optics and Rf Extended by Study of Extreme Electromagnetism at Nanoscale. The consortium plays around the concept of Nanoarchitectronics (NTX). The definition of NTX comes from the merger of three key terms: “nano”, “architecture” and “electronics”. It is a new technology aimed at conceiving, designing and developing reconfigurable, adaptive and cognitive structures, sensorial surfaces and functional “skins” with unique physical properties and engineering applications in the whole electromagnetic spectrum, through assembling building blocks at nanoscale in hierarchical architectures. The NTX aims to sensorial interfaces between a subject (person or system) and the environment. In a visionary future, these interfaces will cognitively evolve its functionalities to maximize connections and monitoring/sensing capabilities; it will look like synthetic, mutable skins, which hierarchically assembles nanoparticles and nanosystems into increasingly complex reconfigurable structures. The visionary innovation of the NTX paradigm requires multi-disciplinary efforts made by borrowing concepts, methods and techniques from Physics, Electronics, Electromagnetics, Material Science, Chemistry, Applied Maths, with special emphasis on Nanotechnology, Microwave to Terahertz Engineering, Nanophotonics, Plasmonics, Nanoelectronics, and Advanced Materials. The FORESEEN/NTX objectives are:
    •    Underpinning a EU (visionary) long-term research in NANOARCHITECTRONICS;
    •    Unifying physics and engineering research of electromagnetic phenomena from Microwave to Lightwaves beyond international State-of-Art;
    • Creating European industrial leadership through the radically new approaches of Nanoarchitectronics;
    •    Launching ProActive FET and Flaghsip initiatives;
    •    Orienting ideas into projects and creating excellent partnerships;
    •    Giving opportunities to talented early-stage researchers (MSCA);
    •    Constructing a synergy with other international EU platforms.
    Prof. Luca Pierantoni is the UnivPM representative and Member of the Steering Committee (since 2013)
  • THE SpinTronicFactory (STF)
    STF a European network founded in 2016, that aims at building an application-oriented structuring framework that will allow for the integration and the governance of the spintronic research towards innovative products. STF involve academic and industrial actors all across Europe. The main objectives of the SpinTronicFactory are:
    – Increase the industrial impact of spintronic applications in the European Union
    – Develop synergies among Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) and different H2020 programs (FET, NMBP, ICT, ITN, ECSEL)
    – Create links with other industrial networks as for example EFFRA, AENEAS, etc.
    – Build new synergies among partners and potential consortia for future EU calls
    – Improve visibility of spintronics in EU and work on the related dissemination
    UnivPM is a member of the STF since 2016. Luca Pierantoni is the UnivPM representative.

  • Agreements
    The Department is member of the Mathematical Help Desk for Innovation and Business, a project of the “Mauro Picone” Institute for Calculus Applications of the National Research Council. The project aims to encourage contact between Research Centers and Companies to develop collaborations in research and innovation focused on the use of techniques and methods of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 
    For further information, please refer to the department contact (Prof. Fabrizio Marinelli) (link esterno) or the project web page: