Control theory, Robotics, Autonomous System, UAV
Robotic and Autonomous systems operate with or without human intervention. To achieve partial (or) full-fledged autonomy, they must be able to sense and react to their surrounding environment. These complex systems use a variety of actuators and sensor technologies to gather data from multiple sources to acquire precise information from their surroundings and their internal states to make control decisions to interact with the environment. In this context, the main research activities regard:
Andrea Monteriù, Alessandro Freddi, Sauro Longhi, Francesco Ferracuti, Riccardo Felicetti, Sabrina Iarlori, Alessandro Baldini, Mariorosario Prist, David Nchekwube Chukwudi, Karameldeen Ibrahim Mohamed Omer, Ali Mir Farooq, Luigi Gabriel Troconis, Francesco Vella, Shafqat Ali Siyyal