Aloha: low-latency audio streaming over consumer networks
dott. Stefano Zambon
Giovedì 19 Novembre, ore 8.30 – webinar Microsoft Teams
Franco Fraccastoro
Lunedì 23 Novembre, ore 14.30 – webinar Teams
dott. Michele Ducceschi
Martedì 1 Dicembre, ore 10.30 – webinar Microsoft Teams
Newly launched FET PROACTIVE project NANO-EH explores Smart Energy Harvesting for IOT
Press release
The 22nd October marked the successful kick-off meeting of the European Commission H2020 FETProactive project NANO-EH, coordinated by Tyndall National Institute, UCC, Ireland and engaging 9 European partners from IMTBucharest (Romania), University of Bologna (Italy), Università Politecnica delle Marche (Italy), Institute National de Science Appliquees de Rennes (France), Thales (France), TE-OX (France), Luna Geber Engineering (Italy), NANOM (Romania) and Vertech (France).