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Conference Fees:
The Workshop is open and free provided the Registration Form is filled.
The Registration Form must be filled preferably few days in advance by e_mail to wises2015@univpm.it (with the subject "WISES REGISTRATION" ) or on site on October 29. The inscription fee is not necessary.
Al least one author must be registered, paying the inscription, in advance to the conference in order to have the paper published in the proceedings (maximun 2 papers for each inscription). According to the IEEE rules in order to have the paper in IEEExplore web site, an oral presentation must be given or a poster must be shown during the conference.
Regular Inscription fee: 200€
(including Conference participation, Proceedings and conference materials, Coffee Breaks, Lunches, Social Dinner)
Inscription for Phd Students and/or IEEE member fee: 180€
(including Conference participation, Proceedings and conference materials, Coffee Breaks, Lunches, Social Dinner)
One day Inscription: 80€
(including Conference participation, Proceedings and conference materials, Coffee Breaks, Lunch, without Social Dinner)
The inscription fee must be paid with a bank transfer to the bank account of the Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione – Facoltà di Ingegneria.
Bank: Unicredit Banca spa
IBAN: IT 81 W 02008 02627 000040074186
CAUSAL: "WISES2015 inscription NAME "
Conto di tesoreria Banca d’Italia IBAN: 0037301
For the inscription to the conference, you will not have an invoice but a receipt stating:
This transaction is outside the field of application of VAT in accordance with Articles. 1-4 of Italian DPR. 633/72, for lack of subjective condition.
Per l’inscrizione il Dipartimento non emetterà fattura, ma darà come ricevuta una nota di addebito.
L’operazione è fuori dal campo applicativo IVA ai sensi degli artt. 1-4 del DPR. 633/72, per mancanza del presupposto soggettivo.
WISES 2015 Registration Form (download attachment)
To be send via e_mail to wises2015@univpm.it (subject "WISES REGISTRATION" ) or on site on October 29.
Name …………………………………………
Family Name …………………………………………
E_mail …………………………………………………
Organization …………………………………………………
Department …………………………………………………
Professor or Researcher
PhD Student
Other ……….…………
Participation to the sessions only (free)
Regular Inscription (200 €)
PhD Student (180 €)
IEEE member (180 €) n. _______________________
One Day Inscription (80 €)
I will attend the conference dinner YES NO
Date ……………………………… Signature …………………………………………