Researcher (Ricercatore Tempo Determinato tipo B)

Ornella Pisacane
Post-Doctoral Researcher

Research Areas

Her research activity is mainly focused on the development of both optimization methods and models particularly referred to the Mixed Integer Linear Programming and combinatoric optimization problems, studied also in the multi-objective context. Specific attention is devoted to the: scheduling problems, design and management of cloud-based platforms, distributive Logistics and efficient vehicle routing.
Her scientific productivity mainly counts more than 40 articles, published in well-established international journals, among which: Applied Mathematical Modelling, Computers & Operations Research, Discrete Optimization, European Journal Of Operational Research, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Optimization Letters, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies.

Capsule Bio

  • 2018-today
    Professor of the course “Operations Research”, First Cycle Degree in Management Engineering at the Università Politecnica delle Marche
  • December 2020-today
    Fixed-term Researcher (Ricercatore Tempo Determinato di tipo B, RTD-B) at the Department of Information Engineering of the Università Politecnica delle Marche
  • 2018-until November 2020
    Fixed-term Researcher (RTD-A) at the Department of Information Engineering of the Università Politecnica delle Marche
  • 2014-2017
    Fixed-term Researcher (RTD-A) at the Università Telematica E-Campus
    Long Term Visiting Professor at the Department of Information Engineering of the Università Politecnica delle Marche
  • 2013-2017
    Professor on contract of the course “Models for Production Management”, First Cycle Degree in Management Engineering at the Università Politecnica delle Marche
  • 2009-2011
    Professor on contract of the course “Optimization Algorithms and Statistics Elements”,  Master Degree in Industrial Engineering at the Università del Salento
  • 2008-2009
    Professor on contract of the course “Operations Research and Statistics Elements”,  Laurea Degree in Industrial Management Engineering at the Università del Salento
  • 2013-2014
    Postdoctoral research fellow at the Department of Information Engineering of the Università Politecnica delle Marche
  • 2007-2012
    Postdoctoral research fellow at the Department of Electronics, Informatics and Systems of the Università della Calabria
  • 2008
    PhD in Operations Research at the Università della Calabria
  • 2004
    Laurea Degree, cum lode, in Computer Engineering at the Università della Calabria
Research experience
  • 2008 | Inter-university Research Centre on Enterprise Networks, Logistics and Transportation (CIRRELT, Montrèal).
  • 2005 – 2006 | Department of Informatics and Operations Research (DIRO)- Universitè De Montrèal.

Full curriculum is available here.


Office Phone:
+39 071 220 4809
