Rebecca Giuliani

Phd Student
Curriculum IBETN – “Ingegneria Biomedica, Elettronica, delle Telecomunicazioni e Nanotecnologie” – XXXIX ciclo

Capsule Bio

Rebecca Giuliani was born on 10th November, 1999 in Senigallia (AN). After completing high school, she attended at the Università Politecnica delle Marche both the Bachelor and the Master degree in Electronic Engineering (Bachelor: Telecommunication Curriculum – Master: Smart and Secure Communication Networks Curriculum).
She received respectively her Bacher degree in October 2021 (thesis: “Design and optimization of a code-based post-quantum digital signature scheme”) and her Master degree “cum laude” in October 2023 (thesis: “Tail sequence analysis in coded transmissions, with applications to satellite communications”).
In the second semester of her Master she spent 6 months (Apr-Sep 2022) in Germany with the Erasmus+ Program.
In November 2023, she began her doctoral studies at the Information Engineering Department of Università Politecnica delle Marche.

Research Areas:

Her current research areas include secure communication systems (both in space and on Earth), physical layer security and blockchain systems


Office Phone: +39 071 2204128

Room: Q165_208
