Research Area

  • Title:
    Automation for Smart Manufacturing

  • Keywords:

    Robotic Process Automation, Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Quality Control, Diagnosis and Predictive Maintenance, Digital Twin, Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)

  • Description:

    Advanced automation solutions for smart manufacturing involve several research topics, including: sensor less edge device for diagnosis and predictive maintenance of machine driven by electric motors (current signal-based approach); metrics (KPIs) and methods to evaluate efficiency of the workers along with machinery; prediction of energy consumption from production planning and detect both energy and production anomalies; food and beverage packaging industry solution for performing weight measurements with high processing speed and high accuracy (50% faster) and for performing transport of fine, granular and non-grain materials in the shortest time (50% faster); Digital eco-design for fashion, textiles and apparel industry by integrating digital technologies across the full product life cycle; solution and methods to facilitate Disassembly for Recycling.

  • Laboratory:
    Automation Laboratory

  • Contact Person:
    Andrea Bonci

  • Projects:

    • Horizon EU DIGITAL, Project “EDIH4Marche” – European Digital Innovation Hub for Marche region
    • MIMIT Project “Perseo – enhancement of the GUCCI Logistic S.p.A. and PIGINI S.r.l. production capacity of footwear articles, through the technological development of new production methods and machinery”
    • PR MARCHE FESR 2021-2027 – Project “PENTA – Energy efficient production, ergonomic and tracked assisted for furniture sector”
    • MISE, Agreements for Innovation, Project “Intelligence 5.0:  from cyber-physical systems for the creation of ‘self-aware’ machine tools to innovative models of advanced industrial services”
    • MIUR PON 2014-2020, Project “REACT – Innovative methods and tools for REACTive Product Design and Manufacturing”
    • MISE, Project “SMART SHOES MANUFACTURING – Innovative Methodologies and innovative technological tools for the simplification of production processes in Santoni SpA”
    • Cluster Smart Factory Project 1, Project “Sustainable Manufacturing