Research Area

  • Title:
    Smart Systems for environmental monitoring

  • Keywords:

    Embedded AI for early warning Environmental monitoring Earthquake Floods

  • Description:
    This research aims to develop new Artificial Intelligence algorithms based on Deep Learning and computer vision for the automatic analysis of data collected by sensors spread across the territory and the generation of alarms in real time.
    The main applications are:
    • Early Warning systems in case of disasters such as earthquakes and floods
    • Environmental monitoring systems
    • Smart Cities applications
  • Laboratories:

  • Contact Person:

    Lorenzo Palma

  • Collaborations:

    Marche Region INGV Civil Protection Zadar County Development Agency ZADRA NOVA Put Murvice 14, 23000 Zadar

  • Projects:

    STREAM – “Strategic development of flood management”, 2014 – 2020 Interreg V-A Italy – Croatia CBC Programme – Call for proposal 2019; Priority Axis: Safety and resilience – Specific objective: Increase the safety of the Programme area from natural and man-made disaster; Project ID: 10249186