PostDoctor Fellowship

Adriano Mancini
Post-Doctoral Researcher

Calcolatori Elettronici (A.A. 2015/2016)

Calcolatori Elettronici (A.A. 2014/2015)

Research Areas

His research mainly involves the following topics:
  • Mobile Robotics (ground and aerial unmanned vehicles)
  • Machine Learning
  • Image Processing
  • Geographical Information Systems (GIS) & Remote Sensing (RS)

Capsule Bio

  • Adriano Mancini was born in Fermo, Italy, on 30th December, 1982
  • In 2006, he received “cum laude” the Master Degree in Industrial Automation from the Polytecnic University of Marches with a thesis entitled “Modellistica e controllo di velivoli a decollo verticale: caratterizzazione dei sistemi sensoriali di bordo” 
  • In 2010, he received the Ph.D. degree in Artificial Intelligence Systems from the Polytechnic University of Marches, under the supervision of Prof. Primo Zingaretti, with a PhD thesis entitled “A new methodological framework for land use/land cover mapping and change detection”.
  • Actually he has a post doc position at the Polytechnic University of Marches, Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione – DII since April 2010.


Office Phone:
+39 071 2204449



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