Postdoctor Fellowship

Alessandro Curzi
Post-Doctoral Researcher

Research Areas

His current research interests include system identification, focusing on unsupervised identification of nonstationary dynamical systems, together with statistical integrated circuit design and statistical device modeling and simulation.

Capsule Bio

  • Alessandro Curzi received the Laurea degree in electronics engineering from the Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy, in 2006, and the  Ph.D. degree in electronics, informatics and telecommunications engineering from the same university, in 2009.
  • In 2010 he joined, as a Research Assistant, the Department of Biomedical Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications (DIBET), now Department of Information Engineering (DII) at the Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy.
  • He is the joint author of a number of scientific papers in international journals and conference proceedings. He is a member of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) since 2007 and serves as a reviewer for international conferences and journals in the electronics and signal processing area.


Office Phone:
+39 071 2204830
