PhD Students

Tamara Monti
PhD Student

  • Curriculum EB – "Elettromagnetismo e Bioingegneria" – XII° ciclo

Research Areas

Tamara Monti is working on development and application of a Near-Field Scanning Microwave Microscopy. She is applying antennas and microwave circuits basics to provide a quantitative analysis of the instrument’s working principle. Further challenging applications are biological and nanostructured carbon-based samples.

Capsule Bio

  • Graduate internship at Monalisa Lab @ Temple University (Philadelphia – USA) about development of a microfluidic nanosensor for high sensitive molecules detection (May-Oct 2010)
  • Graduate internship at Senil Lab – Elettra @ Synchrotron (Trieste – Italy) about AFM nanografting technique for protein diffusion study (Feb-Apr 2010)
  • Master (2009) and bachelor degree (2007) in Communication Engineering at Universita’ Politecnica delle Marche


Office Phone:
+39 071 2204459
