Phd Student
Curriculum IIGA – “Ingegneria Informatica e dell’Automazione” – XXXVI° ciclo
Capsule Bio
Paolo was born in Foligno (PG) on February 12, 1975.
He hold two high-school diplomas, the first in “Electrical Engineering and Electronics” at the G.B. Miliani (Fabriano) and the second in “Electronics and Automation” at the ITIS V. Volterra (Ancona).
He is BSc in “Industrial Production Engineering” and MSc in “Industrial Mechanical Engineering” at the UNIVPM (AN), with a MSc thesis entitled “Dactyloscopy 2.0: New perspectives on fingerprint identification”.
From 2020 he is a PhD student at the AIRTLab (Artificial Intelligence & Real-Time Laboratory) for the projects “Dactyloscopy 2.0”, “Fotosegnalamento 2.0”, and “Violence detection in videos” which fall within the topics covered with the understanding agreement between the UNIVPM CARMELO inter-departmental research center (i.e., Center for Advanced Research on Measurements for Engineering and Life Optimization) and the Ministero dell’Interno, Dipartimento della Pubblica Sicurezza, Direzione Centrale Anticrimine della Polizia di Stato.
Research Areas:
Currently, his main research topics include Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) techniques for the analysis of biometrics data.