Nicola Falcionelli

Research Fellow

Capsule Bio

Nicola Falcionelli is currently a PostDoctoral Researcher at Università Politecnica delle Marche, under the supervision of prof. Aldo Franco Dragoni, and a member of the AIRTLab research group.
He received both Bachelor's and Master's degree in ICT Engineering at Università Politecnica delle Marche, in 2014 and 2016 respectively. He discussed a thesis about symbolic Artificial Intelligence applied to assistive domains entitled “A prototypical software for ‘Event Calculus’ applied to assistive technologies”.
Then, he obtained a Ph.D. scholarship at UNIVPM's doctoral school for a research project on Event-based Artificial Intelligence, and later successfully defended a thesis with title "From Symbolic Artificial Intelligence to Neural Networks Universality with Event-based Modeling".

Research Areas:

His research interests range in the spectrum of Artificial Intelligence, from symbolic approaches to statistical learning techniques, as summarized in the following list:

  • Common-sense reasoning (Event Calculus, fact caching and indexing)
  • Neural Networks (Deep Learning, Spiking Neural Networks, Hardware implementations)
  • Multi-agent systems

Office Phone: +39 071 2204900
Room: Q165_191

