
Home LowPower app4nfc V2G Contatti

System Level Design of  low power Integrated Circuits

       Design and performance analysis of dynamic power management systems

       Power analysys in SystemC

       System Level Modelling of mixed-signal Systems in SystemC

       Design of multicore systems, on-chip communication architectures, network on chip, performance analysis of mixed systems NoC-AMBA AHB

       Design of Intellectual Properties in SystemC and VHDL

       Energy harvesting systems

       Wireless networks (Bluetooth, BLE, ZigBee): modelling in SystemC and hardware implementations.


Design Software developed:

NOCEXplore: a new SystemC library for Network-on-Chip exploration (free available at www.sourceforge.net).

PKtool: a new SystemC library for System Level Power Analysis (free available at www.sourceforge.net).

SystemC-WMS: a new SystemC library for modelling and simulation of heterogeneous systems (free available at www.sourceforge.net).

OCCN: (On-Chip Communication Network)  open-source research and development framework for the specification, modeling and simulation of on-chip communication architectures http://occn.sourceforge.net)