Phd Student
Curriculum IBETN – “Ingegneria Biomedica, Elettronica, delle Telecomunicazioni e Nanotecnologie” – XL ciclo
Capsule Bio
Marina Petroselli received her Bachelor degree (cum laude) in Biological Sciences from Università Politecnica delle Marche in February 2022. She then received her Master degree (cum laude) in Applied and Molecular Biology (thesis: “Identification of a novel tyrosine kinase inhibitor to overcome drug resistance associated with mutated EGFR in lung cancer”) from the same university in October 2024. Since November 2024 she is a PhD Student at the Department of Information Engineering (DII) at Università Politecnica delle Marche.
Research Areas:
Currently, her main research area concerns atomistic simulation of nano-structured materials.