
Social Innovation in Long-Term Care through Digitalization (LTC-2021)

 2-4 November 2021, Ancona, Italy

The binational workshop (Germany-Italy) aims to develop social innovation in long-term care (LTC) through digitalization. In a three-day event, individual solutions will be examined and developed. The participants will present their process innovations regarding LTC (inventory) and then compare them. Digital social innovation roadmaps will be derived from individual definitions. Furthermore, innovative approaches will be elaborated in cross-national working groups and with the involvement of young scientists. Subsequently, individual concepts for traceable process evaluation and sustainability will be discussed.

The workshop is free of charge. It will be both in virtual and physical participation following the Italian Government rules (green pass is required).

Focus Topics

The workshop will focus on LTC relevant approaches with special emphasis on the following hot topics

  • Comparison of LTC processes, exchange and networking
  • Defining digital social innovation roadmaps, finding problem-oriented innovative solutions
  • Concepts for traceable process evaluation and sustainability 


The conference organizers will publish a book in the series Lecture Notes in Bioengineering (LNBE) after both events have taken place. Accepted contributions will be invited to contribute to the LNBE project with an extended version of the paper. More details are communicated later. There will be no conference proceedings distributed during the events but a program schedule and all abstracts will be made available.


LTC2021 Final Program.pdf



Round Table Video    November 3, 2021

– Dott. Michele Caporossi, Direttore Ospedali Riuniti Ancona


– Dott. Andrea Giovagnoni, Direttore Dip. Scienze Cliniche Specialistiche ed Odontostomatologiche, UNIVPM


– Dott. Umberto Nizzoli, Presidente SISDCA (Società Italiana dei Disturbi dell’Alimentazione)


– Ing.  Lorena Rossi, Dott. Giovanni Lamura,  IRCCS INRCA (Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico)


– Dott. Francesca Scocchera, COOSS (Cooperativa Sociale)


– Prof. Nadividad Martínez Madrid, Reutlingen University


– Prof. R. Seepold, HTWG, Konstanz




General Chairs

Massimo Conti (Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy)
Natividad Martínez Madrid (Reutlingen University, Germany)
Simone Orcioni (Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy)
Ralf Seepold (HTWG Konstanz, Germany)


Technical Program Committee

A. Brito, Univ. Federal da Paraiba, João Pessoa, Brazil
M.Conti, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, IT
L. Fanucci, Univ. of Pisa, IT
V. Frascolla, Intel Mobile Communications, Neubiberg, Germany
M. Grammatikakis, Hellenic Mediterranean University, Crete, GR
N. Martínez Madrid, Reutlingen University, Germany
G. Masetti, Università degli Studi di Bologna, IT
P. Mihova, New Bulgarian University, Bulgaria
S. Orcioni, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, IT
Y. Orlov, Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Russian Federation
G. Palumbo, Univ. of Catania, IT
P. Friedrich, HS Kempten, Germany.
L. Pieralisi, ARM, UK
M. Radetzki, Univ.of Stuttgart, Germany
S. Saponara, Univ. of Pisa, IT
R. Seepold, HTWG, Konstanz, Germany
T. Tarim, Texas Instruments, USA
E. Zanaj, Polytechnic University of Tirana, Albania


Local Activities Committee

Lucas Weber (HTWG Konstanz, Germany)
Simone Orcioni (Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy)