Faculty Profile

Stefano Squartini
Associate Professor


  • Circuiti e Algoritmi per l'Elaborazione dei Segnali
  • Circuiti e Algoritmi per l'Elaborazione dei Segnali 2

Expertise: Digital Speech/Audio Processing and Computational Intelligence

Dr. Squartini has been working for a long time in the Digital Speech/Audio Processing research field. Jointly with his collaborators at 3MediaLabs, he has provided original contributions in the audio quality enhancement sub-field, with different algorithms for various applications scenarios, like noise reduction, dereverberation, source separation, speaker diarization, acoustic echo/feedback cancellation. In particular, in the last years his research work has been focused on the development of innovative Automatic Speech/Speaker Recognition solutions robust to real environmental mismatches and also able to operate in real-time. A certain attention has been also paid to the algorithm implementation on embedded platforms, thanks to the active participation into the European University Program of the Texas Instruments (TI) and the material donations received in the last three years by TI itself. Moreover, since the start of his career, Dr. Squartini has provided significant research outcomes in Computational Intelligence (both in terms of Optimization Algorithms and Neural Networks Architectures), with applications in the Audio Processing field and more recently in the optimal Energy Management one.

Capsule Bio

Stefano Squartini (Member IEEE/ISCA/AES) was born in Ancona, Italy, on March 1976. He got the Italian Laurea with honors in electronic engineering at Università Politecnica delle Marche (UnivPM), Italy, in 2002. He got his PhD student at UnivPM on November 2005. He worked also as PostDoc at UnivPM from June 2006 to November 2007, when he joined the Department of Information Engineering as Assistant Professor in Circuit Theory.
He is one of the founding members of the research group 3MediaLabs, coordinated by Prof. Piazza with whom he has actively participated to various (funded) regional, national and European projects. He is author and coauthor of several international scientific peer-reviewed articles. He is Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks (since 2010) and part of the Cognitive Computation Editorial Board (since 2011). He is also member of the European Network of Excellence EUCOGIII and of the Executive Board of the SIREN (Italian Society of Neural Networks). He regularly does reviewing activity for many (IEEE, Springer, Elsevier) Journals, Books and Conference Proceeding and in the recent past he organized several Special Sessions at international conferences and Special Issues of ISI journals.
His current research interests are in the area of digital signal processing and machine learning with special focus on speech/audio processing, cognitive systems and energy management.

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+39 071 2204381

