Applied Economics and Management Engineering

One of the main aims of the Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (C2I) is to investigate the factors affecting the entrepreneurial propensity and the role of entrepreneurship in generating innovation in firms and in the society.
Specific emphasis is given to understanding the phenomenon of knowledge based and academic entrepreneurship.
Research activity in this area deals with the following topics:

  • entrepreneurial propensity (with specific focuses e.g. on students, females)
  • academic entrepreneurship and spin-offs
  • growth and the performances of innovative start-ups
  • entrepreneurial finance (with specific focus on Venture Capital)
Coordinator: Diego D’Adda

  • C.Met05
  • DOXA
  • Fondazione Aristide Merloni
  • GEM Consortium
  • Politecnico di Milano
  • Università di Milano
  • Università di Banja Luka
Projects: Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (Italy)