Emanuele Storti


Assistant Professor







Research Areas

  • Semantic technologies and Knowledge graphs
  • Ontology-Based Data Access & Query Rewriting
  • Process and Organizational Mining


 Research Activity
  • Development of KPIONTO and support semantic services for consistency management: a formal ontology to describe Key Performance Indicators and their properties, including the mathematical formulas needed to their computation, tied to collaborative and distributed environments. A set of semantics-based services allows for the verification of consistency among the set of formulas.
  • Co-investigator of the European Project BIVEE (FoF-ICT-2011.7.3-285746): a service-oriented ICT platform to enable Business Innovation in Virtual Factories and Enterprises. Development of methods for semantic reconciliation of heterogeneous data coming from multiple distributed enterprises, and usage of automatic reasoning for advanced support in data monitoring and innovation management.
  • KDDVM Project: an open, collaborative and distributed service-oriented platform for supporting users in design and management of KDD processes. The system provides languages for semantic annotation of tools and services for tool discovery and composition
  • Development of KDDONTO: a formal ontology for describing Data Mining and KDD algorithms, methods, task and data structures, aimed at supporting KDD service discovery and composition
  • Process Composition: procedures for semi-automatic composition of KDD processes. Workflows are generated by building chains of tools with semantically compatible interfaces, and by performing matching functions.
  • Graph mining: application of hierarchical clustering techniques to extract interesting patterns from graph representation of business processes or scientific workflows. Patterns can be used to get insights about the domain because they are common subworkflows.

Teahing activities

  • "Programmazione Mobile" (9 CFU), Laurea triennale in Ingegneria Informatica e dell'Automazione
  • "Big Data Engineering" (6 CFU), Laurea Magistrale in Data Science per l'Economia e l'Impresa
  • "New Generation Databases" (6 CFU), Laurea Magistrale in Data Science per l'Economia e l'Impresa

Capsule Bio

  • 2021: Assistant professor
  • 2021: Adjunct professor for course "Programmazione mobile", bachelor in Computer and Automation Engineeering of Università Politecnica delle Marche
  • 2018-2020: Postdoctoral Research Fellow. Grant title: "Semantic Big Data Analytics"
  • 2019-2020: Adjunct professor for course "Tecnologie per i Sistemi Informativi", Master in Management Engineeering of Università Politecnica delle Marche
  • 2018-2020: Adjunct professor for course "Elementi di Informatica", bachelor in Electronic Engineering and Biomedical Engineeering of Università Politecnica delle Marche
  • 2017-2018: Collaborator contract: "Methodologies for integration of aggregate measures and KPIs with application to open data for smart cities, open government and social innovation"  
  • 2012-2017: Postdoctoral Research Fellow. Grant title: "Metodologie e piattaforme di Business Intelligence applicate all'analisi dei processi aziendali per il miglioramento continuo e l'innovazione in Imprese Virtuali"
  • Jan – Apr 2010: Visiting student at CWI (Centrum for Mathematics and Computer Science), Amsterdam, under the guide of Prof. Farhad Arbab. 
    Topics: coordination languages, formal methods for verification of processes.
  • Jan 2009 – Feb 2012: PhD student at "Department of Computing, Management and Automation Engineering", Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy, under the supervision of Prof. Claudia Diamantini.
    Course topics: Knowledge Discovery in Databases and Data Mining
  • 2006 – 2008: M.S. (2-years) in Computing Engineering, with mark 110/110 cum laude
    Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy
    Thesis title: "KDD Process Composition"
    Thesis topics: collaborative KDD, semantic-enabled automatic KDD process composition, semantic representation of Data Mining and KDD tools 
  • 2003 – 2006: B.S. (3-years) in Computing and Automation Engineering, with mark 110/110 cum laude
    Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy
    Thesis title: "Development of a KDDBroker for Knowledge Discovery Services"
    Thesis topics: collaborative KDD, Web Services, ontologies and Semantic Web


Office Phone:
+39 071 2204827
