Circuit Theory and Signal Processing

New Technologies for Bee Hive Monitoring

Among insects, honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) are well known for their positive effects. They do not produce only honey, beeswax, royal jelly, and propolis but they are at the basis of the plants pollination, playing a key role in the proliferation of both spontaneous and cultivated flora. Colony collapse disorder (CCD) is a recent, pervasive syndrome affecting honey bee colonies in Europe and the rest of the world, which is characterized by a sudden disappearance of honey bees from the hive. This situation has emphasized the significance of a continuous and extensive monitoring to investigate factors that may negatively affect the life cycle of bees. In this scenario, the proposed research project aims at studying and developing an innovative system capable of giving to the beekeepers an early analysis of beehives condition, detecting anomalous situations and predicting particular event such as the swarming time. More specifically, a combined analysis is considered by crossing the results of the analysis of sound generated inside the hive by the bees and of the analysis of other parameters, such as temperature, humidity, CO2 and hive weight, weather conditions, acquired with several sensors.

LaboratoryAudio LAB and Semi-Anechoic Chamber
Contact PersonStefania Cecchi


  • D3A – Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie, Alimentari e Ambientali
  • Queen Mary University
  • Hefei Institutes of Physical Science
  • Chinese Academy of Sciences

ProjectsNu-Hive project

PeopleStefania Cecchi, Alessandro Terenzi