Analisi del Movimento

  Pubblicazioni e Congressi

  • Assessment of functional performance in different knee arthroplasty designs during free squat using motion analysis, F. Verdini, A. Salvatore, T. Leo, B. Innocenti, S. Abusaa, C. Zara, in revisione, The Knee.
  • Mild Neurological signs a protesi di ginocchio, F. Verdini, I° Convegno regionale SIMM Sezione Marche, "Disturbi del cammino e della postura nei disordini del movimento", Montefiore dell'Aso, Ottobre;
  • Functional recovery evaluation after surgical treatment for facial paralysis, Michele Riccio,Federica Verdini,Coccia Daniele,Prof. Tommaso Leo; Congresso Internazionale di Microchirurgia Romania
  • Attività del Laboratorio di Analisi del Movimento dell'Università Politecnica delle Marche, F. Verdini, T. Leo, Congresso Siamoc 30 Settembre-3 Ottobre, Alghero;
  • Metodi e tecniche di Analisi del Movimento rivolte ad applicazioni cliniche,  F. Verdini, T. Leo, XI Congresso Nazionale IORS,12-13 Giugno, Ancona;
  • Analisi del movimento in fase pre-operatoria, G.C. Riccardi, M. Capecci, F. Verdini, Giornate lauretane, Ancona;
  • Mild neurological signs in subjects with knee osteoarthritis: observational pilot study, M.E. Collina, M. Capecci, F. Verdini, A. Salvatore,  G.C. Riccardi, T. Leo, M.G. Ceravolo, Congresso Siamoc, 1-4 ottobre.
  • Identification and characterisation of Heel Strike Transient, M. Marcucci, F. Verdini, M.G. Benedetti, T. Leo,  Gait & Posture, 24, 77-84;
  • Analisi del movimento in fase pre-operatoria, G. C. Riccardi, M. Capecci, F.Verdini, V Convegno Nazionale 'Giornate Lauretane di chirurgia del ginocchio', Ancona;
  • Statistical indicator for the evaluation of human gait analysis by ground reaction forces, Karch D., Marcucci M., Verdini F., Leo T., Dickhaus H. ,  Congresso ESMAC, Barcellona;
  • Principal component analysis for the evaluation of unicompartmental and total knee arthroplasty, Marcucci M., Verdini F., Leo T., European Conference on Emergent Aspects in Clinical Data Analysis EACDA, Settembre Pisa;
  • Principal component analysis for the evaluation of unicompartmental and total knee arthroplasty, Marcucci M., Verdini F., Leo T.,Congresso SIAMOC 26-29 Ottobre, Pisa;
  • Movement analysis and performance test,T. Leo, F. Verdini, M. Marcucci, IV Convegno Nazionale 'Giornate Lauretane di chirurgia del ginocchio', Ancona;
  • Gait functional evaluation of the subjects with unicompartimental and total knee arthroplasty, F.Verdini, M.Marcucci. S.Albanelli, C.Zara, T.Leo Gait & Posture, 20S, s113-s136 (SIAMOC, Lovanio);
  • Effects of the complex traumas of the foot on balance, F.Verdini, M.Riccio, M.Marcucci, PP.Pancrazi, A.Campodonico, A.Aquinati, A.Bertani, T.Leo,Gait&Posture, 20S, p.s61-s112 (ESMAC, Polonia);
  • Functional analysis of gait after surgical reconstruction due complex foot traumas, F.Verdini, M.Riccio, M.Marcucci, PP.Pancrazi, A.Campodonico, A.Aquinati, A.Bertani. T.Leo Gait&Posture, 20S , p.s61-s112 (ESMAC 2004, Polonia);
  • Functional analysis of ambulation after foot reconstructive surgery, M.Riccio, F.Verdini, M.Marcucci, PP.Pancrazi, A.Campodonico, T.Leo, A.Bertani (EUROMICRO , Barcellona).
  • Functional anlaysis of impaired ambulation following the foot reconstruction surgery, F.Verdini, M.Riccio, M.Marcucci, S.Fioretti, PP.Pancrazi, A.Campodonico, A.Aquinati, A.Bertani, T.Leo.ESMAC 2003, Gait&Posture, 18, supp.n°2, p.s80-123;
  • Ricostruzione microchirurgica tegumentaria del piede: verifica funzionale, M.Riccio, PP.Pancrazi, A.Campodonico, A.Aquinati, F.Verdini, M.Marcucci, S.Fioretti, A.Bertani, T.Leo.Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Chirurgia Plastica, Ricostruttiva ed Estetica (SIPRE), oral presentation, Firenze;
  • Automatic recognition of sharp transient durino human locomotion ,D.Di Pietro Paolo, F.Verdini, M.Marcucci, T.Leo.ESMAC 2003, Gait&Posture, 18, supp.n°2, p.s80-123;
  • A protocol for funcional avaluation of subject with unicompartimental knee arthroplasty,M.Pigini, F.Verdini, M.Marcucci. S.Albanelli, C.Zara, T.Leo. SIAMOC 2003, Gait&Posture, 18,supp.n°1, p.s1-s30.
  • Identification and characterisation of heel strike transient, M.Marcucci, F.Verdini, M.G. Benedetti, T.LeoOral presentation  ESMAC 2002, Gait&Posture, 16 supp.n°1, p.s110-s179;
  • An experimental protocol for evaluating the effect produced by different type of shoes before and after the Heel Strike, F.Verdini, M.Marcucci, M.G. Benedetti, T.Leo Oral presentation, SIAMOC 2002, Gait&Posture, 16, supp.n°1, p.s181-s228.
  • Experiences and perspectives on web open distance learning for specialists in poorly structured knowledge domains: the case of MODASPECTRA, Leo T., Fioretti S., Maurizi  M., Panti M., Starita A., Verdini F.Int. Conf. Neural Networks and Expert Systems in Medicine and Healthcare (NNESMED) Proc., Milos, Greece, 20-22 June;
  • Accreditation via Web of Clinical Movement Analysis Laboratories: the ABCMALE system, Leo T., J. Fayn, S. Fioretti, C. Leschi, M. Maurizi, F. Verdini, Proc. Int. Conf. Neural Networks and Expert Systems in Medicine and Healthcare, Milos, Greece, 20-22 June;
  • Networking in fragmented knowledge domains for knowledge management and distance learning, Leo T., Fioretti S., Maurizi M., Verdini F., Eden X Anniversary Conf. Stockholm June;
  • Some preliminary considerations about incorrect muscular co-activation responsible for heel strike transient presence, Verdini F., Leo T., Fioretti S., Benedetti M.G., Catani F., Giannini S., Gait and Posture, 13, 2 , 161-162;
  • A web-based training system for movement analysis students, Leo T., Fioretti S., Maurizi M., Verdini F., Marini M.:  Gait and Posture, 13, 2 , 177-178;
  • Accreditation of Clinical Movement Analysis Laboratories: some considerations,  Leo T., Fioretti S., Maurizi M., Verdini F,Gait and Posture, 13, 2 , 178-179;
  • Objectives for continuous education and lessons learnt by a pilot study, Leo T., Fioretti S., Maurizi M., Bonci A., Verdini F., Gait and Posture, 14, 2 ,126.
  • Time-Frequency Analysis Of the emg signals: investigations on heel strike transient, F. Verdini, T. Leo, M.G. Benedetti, F. Catani, S. Giannini“XIII Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and kinesiology-ISEK 2000” Sapporo-Japan, June 25-28; 
  • Some experimental support to the model based studies on the role of the quadriceps in Heel Strike Transient, F. Verdini, T. Leo, M.G. Benedetti, F.Catani, S. Giannini, ESMAC 2000, 28-30 Settembre, Lund University Hospital, Svezia.
  • Alcune considerazioni preliminari sulle alterazioni del coordinamento muscolare responsabili della formazione dell’Heel Strike Transient, F. Verdini, T. Leo, S.Fioretti, M.G. Benedetti, F. Catani,S. Giannini, SIAMOC 20-28 Ottobre 2000, Ancona. 
  • Analysis of Ground Reaction Forces by means of Wavelet transform, F. Verdini, T. Leo, S. Fioretti, M.G. Benedetti, F. Catani, S. Giannini, Clinical Biomechanics Vol.15, No. 8;
  • A Telematic System for the Accreditation of Clinical Movement Analysis Laboratories, Leo T.,  Fioretti S. , Maurizi M., and Verdini F., Gait and Posture, 11,2, 130-131;
  • A telematic based education system for life long learning students of movement analysis, T. Leo, S. Fioretti, M. Maurizi, F. Verdini and M. Marini, World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Chicago 2000, 23-27 July.
  • Recognition of subtle feature of TKR patient gait, through Wavelets, F. Verdini, T. Leo, S.Fioretti, M.G. Benedetti, F. Catani, XVII ISB Congress, Calgary, August 8-13;
  • Analisi delle reazioni d’appoggio di soggetti TKR mediante Trasformata Wavelet, F. Verdini, T. Leo, S.Fioretti, M.G. Benedetti, F. Catani, Convegno Nazionale Analisi del movimento in clinica presente e futuro, Roma 28-29 Ottobre;
  • ABCMALE (Accreditation Board of Clinical Movement Analysis Laboratories in Europe): the demonstrator of the accreditation system, Leo T., Fioretti S., Maurizi M, Verdini F., ESMAC Conference;
  • Wavelets Representation of Human Movement Kinematics Signals, T. Leo, S. Fioretti, Verdini F., XIV ISB Congress, Tokio, August 25-29;
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