Francesco Pagliarecci

Francesco Pagliarecci
Adjunct ProfessorTeaching

Research Areas

  • Information and Computer Security: the application of AI techniques to security; Intrusion Detection Systems
  • Service Oriented Architecture: the application of Formal Methods to Semantic Web Services and Business Process
  • Agent Systems: the definition of new programming paradigm and language (Alan); Multi-Agent Systems (JEAP)
  • Formal Verification:  the definition of Semantic Model Checking (SMC)

 Capsule Bio

  • M.S. in Electronics Engineering (with a specialization in Computer Science) at the University of Ancona (2002 December).
  • International Fellowship at SRI International in Menlo Park California USA (2005 September – 2005 December).
  • Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligent Systems at  Università Politecnica delle Marche defending a thesis “Alan: An Agent-Object Programming Language” (2006 December).
  • Post-doctoral about “Algorithms for discovery and composition of Web Services, at process-level with semantic annotation” at the Dipartimento di Ingegneria Informatica, Gestionale e dell’Automazione – Università Politecnica delle Marche (since 2007 May).

Office Phone:
+39 071 2204809
