Quantum tunnelling in hafnia-based metal-insulator-metal diodes: atomistic-to-continuum modelling approach and experimental validation

The work we propose this week is the result of multidisciplinary cooperation and aims to develop a comprehensive “ab-initio” model of the functioning of innovative devices based on hafnia-based metal-insulator-metal diodes for microwave signal rectification in energy harvesting applications.
Within this work, an atomistic model of the hafnium material and its behavior within the MiM diode has been developed. The derived dielectric parameters were utilized in an electromagnetic model to predict the microwave behavior of the device. The results were experimentally validated.
This work was supported by the European Project H2020 FETPROACT-EIC-05-2019 ‘NANO-EH’ under GA No. 951761, and by the Romanian Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization, CNCS–UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P4-PCE-2021-0223.
The authors from DII are partners of the European project “nano EH, only.” Prof. Luca Pierantoni is the project leader for the UNIVPM unit. Prof. Davide Mencarelli is the leader of one of the work packages (WPs) in the project. Prof. Paola Russo is member of the research unit of UNIVPM.

The article is available here: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1402-4896/ad1976/meta