Veronica Bartolucci

Research Fellow

Capsule Bio

Veronica Bartolucci firstly received the Bachelor’s Degree in Electronic Engineering and then, in February 2020, the Master’s Degree (cum laude) in Computer and Automation Engineering at Università Politecnica delle Marche, with a thesis entitled “Design and implementation of a test bench system for modelling BLDC motors”.
From April to October 2020, she collaborated as a research fellow with the Department of Information Engineering (DII) at the Università Politecnica delle Marche.
Currently, she is a PhD Student at the same department (DII), in particular, at the Laboratory of Modeling, Analysis and Control of dynamical Systems (LabMACS).

Research Areas:

Her research activity is focused on underwater robotics and her PhD concerns, in detail, the study, modelling and optimization of hybrid actuation of biomimetic marine vehicles, through digital twins’ study.
She is also involved in the European Project “DiveSafe”.


Office Phone:

Room: Q170_039
