Research Area

  • Title:
    Sensors Networks and Internet of Things

  • Keywords:

    Internet of Things, Internet of Medical Things, Early Warning Systems, Industrial IoT, Cultural Heritage

  • Description:

    Internet of Things (IoT) refers to a world-wide network of interconnected objects uniquely addressable and controllable via the Internet. Smart Objects have identities and virtual behaviors, besides intelligent interfaces to connect and communicate within different social, environmental, and user contexts. Therefore, the IoT is an advanced and synergic union of different technologies, including networking, sensing, Big Data, Cloud/Edge/Fog computing, embedded systems, and Artificial Intelligence, that together deliver complete end-to-end solutions for a product or a service. The IoT paradigm has applications across many different industries and contexts through its flexibility and ability to be suitable in extremely heterogeneous application fields such as: hostile environments; indoor/outdoor monitoring and control; seismic and structural health monitoring; Early Warning systems for anthropic and natural disasters; cultural heritage monitoring; protection and valorization; bio-medical applications; health and wellness monitoring; localization and tracking of assets/people; industrial automation, predictive maintenance, and Industry 5.0; consumer applications; Smart Homes; Smart Cities; Smart Agriculture; Ambient Assisted Living; Virtual Reality and Extended Reality. Futhermore, the IoT takes advantage of powerful enabling technologies such as wireless sensor networks (WSNs), dedicated machine-to-machine (M2M) communication protocols, Machine and Deep Learning.

  • Laboratory:

    RIOT Lab – sensoR networks and Internet Of Things Laboratory

  • Contact Person:

    Paola Pierleoni

  • Collaborations:

    INGV – Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (Italy), Protezione Civile Regione Marche (Italy), ARPA Marche (Italy), Consortium GARR (Italy), CNIT – Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Telecomunicazioni (Italy), Fater (S.p.A., Italy), Kos Care (s.r.l., Italy), iGuzzini Illuminazione (S.p.A., Italy), Gitronica (S.p.A., Italy); Biesse Group (S.p.A., Italy), DAN Europe (Malta), California State University (USA), Galatasaray University (Turkey), x-io Technologies Limited (United Kingdom), Nordic Semiconductor (Norway), MathWorks, Inc. (USA)

  • Projects:
    • “EMBRACE – Energy-efficient Methods and enaBling technologies for communications, netwoRking, infrastructures and smArt services in Challenging Environments”, cascade call provided by “RESTART – RESearch and innovation on future Telecommunications systems and networks, to make Italy more smart”, PNRR – NextGenerationEU.
    • “HOMEY: a Human-centric IoE-based Framework for Supporting the Transition Towards Industry 5.0″, PRIN 2022.
    • “STRIC+ Potenziamento centro internazionale per la ricerca sulle Scienze e Tecniche della RICostruzione”, Fondo complementare PNRR.
    • “STRIC – Centro internazionale per la ricerca sulle scienze e tecniche dalla ricostruzione fisica, economica e sociale”, Fondo Complementare PNRR.
    • “STREAM – Strategic development of flood management”, 2014 – 2020 Interreg V-A Italy -Croatia CBC Programme – Call for proposal 2019, from 2020/04/01 to 2023/06/30,
    • “SADABI-IT – Smart Awareness in Digital Automation and Business Intelligence with Integrated Tools”, call PON MISE “Fabbrica Intelligente, Agrifood e Scienze della vita”, from 2021/03/08 to 2023/07/10,
    • “MIRACLE – Marche Innovation and Research fAcilities for Connected and sustainable Living Environments”, sub-project “IoT for Human Safety”, call POR FESR 2014 – 2020 2014/2020, from 2019/12/19 to 2023/06/30
    • “Multiparametric Network”, sub-project “Earthquake Early Warning System”, national project of the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV), from 2022/01/01 to 2024/12/31
    • “PROTECT – maPping the seismic Risk Of straTEgiC consTructions”, call “Ricerca Scientifica di Eccellenza 2018” by the Cariverona Foundation, from 2019/12/20 to 2023/06/30
    • “ROSEMARIE – oppoRtunities fOr Structural hEalth Monitoring And aRtificial IntelligEnce, bando”, call “Ricerca E Sviluppo 2020″ by the Cariverona Foundation, from 2021/06/01 to 2023/05/31
    • “MIR-AGE – Multidisciplinary Innovative Research Actions on AGE”, 2018 University Strategic Research Project, Università Politecnica delle Marche, from 2017/01/10 to 2019/01/09,
    • “INTELLIGENCE 5.0 – Dai sistemi cyber-fisici per la creazione di macchine utensili self-aware ad innovativi modelli di servizi industriali evoluti”, call PON MISE “Fabbrica Intelligente, Agrifood e Scienze della vita”, from 2022/02/01 to 2023/12/31