mm-Wave radar, radar testing and calibration in ADAS, uncertainty, displacement and vibration measurement
Research focuses on the analysis and proposal of a measurement model of mm-Wave radars used as measurement technology for vibration and displacement. In the automotive sector, radars play a critical role as safety devices in ADAS systems, however no mandatory calibration and re-calibration procedures have been set for the automotive sector, nor minimum requirements in terms of measurement uncertainty, accuracy, stability and reproducibility. The research aims to address these aspects overall the complete measurement chain, from the radar sensor hardware to the software-based radar signal processing for the extraction of the measurement information.
Electrical and Electronic Measurements and Sensors Lab (ME2S Lab)
Laboratorio i-Labs Smart Environments nell’ambito del progetto “MIRACLE – Marche Innovation and Research fAcilities for Connected and sustainable Living Environments”, Call POR FESR 2014 – 2020
Gianluca Ciattaglia, Adelmo De Santis, Ennio Gambi, Grazia Iadarola, Susanna Spinsante