
Coding for Data Reliability
The research group has many years of research experience on techniques for the reliability of information and, in particular, on coding for error correction. Techniques of this type have been designed by the research group for application in many specific contexts. In particular, the group is collaborating since a long time with the European Space Agency for the study and development of coding techniques for space transmissions. In addition, specific coding techniques suitable for use in cryptography besides data reliability applications are studied and designed by the research group.
Contact Person: Franco Chiaraluce

  • Politecnico di Torino
  • Università di Bologna
  • Agenzia Spaziale Europea
Projects: Several ESA projects. Among the most recent ones:

  • NEXCODE (Next Generation Uplink Coding Techniques) – Design and implementation of error correcting codes for the new telecommand standard in space missions “Near Earth” e “Deep Space”;
  • RESCUe (Reliable TT&C during superior solar conjunctions) – Improvement of the reliability and the capacity of telecommand and telemetry radio links in space missions in the presence of solar scintillation;
  • PROTOCOL-A.3 (PROTotype of Off-line COrreLator for Arraying of large Aperture Antennas) – Study of the possibility to replace great size antennas with arrays of large aperture antennas, through the development of efficient techniques for the correlation and combination of signals;
  • NEXTRACK (Next Generation ESTRACK Uplink Services) – Study and implementation of the new functionalities required in the Channel Coding and Synchronisation sublayer to support Next Generation Uplink services, and in particular the short LDPC encoding, BCH encoding, CLTU generation and Randomizer.